Piazzetta Bremen

Screen shots of Piazzetta Bremen

The “Piazza Telematica” in Bremen was organized under the direction of Ronald Gonko by students of the University of the Arts Bremen and their friends. Most of the broadcasts were made from the University’s video studio and transmitted to Kassel via an ISDN videophone. The influence of performance, experimental film and video art on the Bremen art students can be clearly seen in most of their productions. These were characterized by a visual language reminiscent of the video art of the 1980s and 1990s, and are influenced by the garish color palette of the Amiga computers of the time. The intensive use of image mixers, color effects and image superimpositions resulted in sometimes astounding image compositions. Live broadcasts were transmitted from a café, Bremen’s pedestrian zone, and a Saturn store, among other places, and there were also live links to the Piazzetta in Riga, Bremen’s twin city, and to the Piazzetta in Cologne.

Video clip of Piazzetta Bremen

Interview with Ronald Gonko

A German television report on Piazzetta Bremen

Piazzetta Bremen at the University of the Arts Bremen (Foto: Tobias Baader)
